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"How to Identify and Navigate Potential Career Detonation Setbacks"

Updated: Apr 4

You've got to the starting line. For many of you this has been a 3 to 5 year tertiary study commitment, accompanied by substantial debt. You can see a few hurdles ahead however you are keen and pumped to get started and show them what you can do. Nothing is going to stop you now!

Career Transition Coaching; Smart Feeling Kind Thinking

Realistic optimism might get you to the starting line of your chosen career but what will keep you in your laneway?

How can you avoid a career damaging setback once you’ve made it to the starting line? Or once you have stepped up to your first workplace leadership role?

You arrive, bringing your life and previous work experiences along with you, participate in the ubiquitous induction and compulsory safety and behaviour modules, most likely conducted online, and get started. An email goes out announcing your appointment and you bask in the kind things said about your attributes. Then reality bites:

Smarter Kinder Scenario

The Unexpected Call from a Senior Manager in another Division

In the first week a senior manager, who you have not met via zoom or in person, rings you out of the blue sounding agitated and impatient. They ask you to perform an urgent task. [Your first alert that the organisation's vision and values statement is not always evident in day to day interactions between work colleagues]. What to do?

What you do next will often influence your success or otherwise in your new role.

Smarter Feeling Kinder Thinking Core EQ Method

Core EQ partners you at these critical transition milestones. We offer a practical framework and tools underpinned by our Smarter Feeling and Kinder Thinking method which can alert you to the risks of taking unwise action or unwise inaction.

We can support and guide you to upskill so you can navigate this new territory which, although looking rosy has many minefields. Trust us we've been down a few ourselves. Our very straightforward objective is to be there for you and with you as your scout. Coaching you, exhorting you to tread purposefully yet carefully into this unmapped territory.

To be your career setback scout if you like, guiding you around, across and beyond the minefields. Helping you to understand the implications for the decisions you make in how you respond to the people with or without positional authority.

Be Kinder Reminder

You may find yourself reverting to the usual way you do things without regard to smarter emotional responses and kinder thinking. Be kinder to yourself. Being kind and generous to yourself, not allowing external pressure to push you off course.

In future posts we will explore issues such as:

  1. The Persistent Please Come and Work with us Phone Calls

  2. The Strategic Workshop with Pointy End Objective

The Equine (EQ) Link

Equine Experiential Education programs can significantly assist people to tap into their professional development and leaderwork capabilities by guiding them in how to draw on their unique strengths and attributes. Equine assisted Team building and Leadership exercises can enhance this work.

Deborah Hann

2 March 24


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