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"The Power of Equine Mindfulness Coaching: How Horses Help Improve Mental Wellbeing"

Updated: Mar 17

Horses can teach humans how to live in the moment - to communicate more effectively and also how to treat one another, human to human, horse to horse, or inter-species, horse to human, with respect. They do this by providing "raw" honest feedback to their human companions. In the moment.

For example if a horse does not understand what you are asking them to do they will simply ignore you. This can be very humbling and confronting. You are unable to connect.

Horses might:

  • turn their head away from you

  • turn their ears away to tune into a more interesting sound or

  • if you are really not making an impact then they may possibly move their body away, possibly stepping on your foot as they do so.

Core EQ Equine Engagement Experience

Our Program provides you with simple yet profound insights. You can interact with our specially selected horses. By tuning into how you are interacting or not with your horse you can achieve a mindful state (mindfulness). However this experience is very different to when you are listening to a mindfulness music tape. Here you are encountering a 500 kilo animal.

It is a rawer, grounded experience where you are challenged to observe and understand your horse companion and your own responses and behaviour. Horses' size differential to humans requires you to take this task more seriously.

Horses will be very honest with you.

You will have the opportunity to see patterns of your learned behavior that may be working against you. And therefore making it difficult for you to be understood by a horse or human.

Improving Your Emotional Literacy

Our approach helps you improve your emotional literacy:

  • your understanding of your emotions

  • your ability to express your observations and feelings

  • your improvement of your personal and professional relationships.

With acceptance and understanding of yourself comes peace.

Learning and Development Approach

We combine our practical knowledge of human and horse behavior to facilitate a meaningful outcome for you the participant.

Our program is based on human learning and development principles. We employ the unique abilities of horses to live in the moment and communicate honestly using their natural herd dynamics to offer powerful learnings for our participants.

Using skilled facilitation, we help you identify the communication issues that you may have denied or resisted. We can then work with you to develop more effective behaviors and to leverage your strengths. Our objective is to help you achieve your full potential.

Dr Deb

29 August 2021


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